The Orange Saints

Road stained with blood and sticks floating around,
the Orange dusted in mud and chaos.
In a night of pain and rains of hatred,
His smile stood against a world in silence.

With families abandoned since decades,
they smiled towards the eternity.
An eternity of humanity and enlightment.
My man smiled to death.

Time it is to stand for them,
Time it is to shout for them.
All but,
The smile,My man.

"In Solidarity With The Three Saints We Lost"

Eve Of The Universe

Bleeding the betrayal of Eve,
And sins of mortals crossing streets,
With dying benches and tripping night lamps,
Love took a stand with utmost force.

Typewriters facing knocks with heroes falling apart,
Eve never betrayed,
For the purest soul falling on hell,
celestials apart but to be the history.

With Every word running a mile,
and with expansions far to handle,
My rebellion is leading the charge,
To Eternity? Or Death? Its all dark out.

Trust Me,
It has always been a play of Words...

An Ode To 18th

A world at stake with eternal shrinking,
Magics cruise downstreets
And witches maging the tankers,
A war on the edge of hurrying too and fro,

Amidst the night of last kiss,
Enlighted are souls with traffic all over,
Fireballs hurled on those braves,
Stop Butterflies...they are the way out.

Autumn surging through graves,
A broken recorder forced on woods,
And the fallen leaf always lied,
Love aint a Calculus....


প্রতিটি শব্দ আজ নিজের কাছে অনুতপ্ত ,
ঘাসে ভেজা কোলকাতা কত আশ্বাস যুগিয়েছিল,
তবু মানেনি বুলেটের আস্তাবল ,
ফিরে দেখেনি মায়ের চোখের নিচে পরা কালো দাগে,
প্রতি ভোরের সাথে তার নতুন জন্ম ,
জন্ম প্রতিনিয়ত বদলাতে থাকা রূপের,
তবু দিনের শেষের তার ক্লান্তিকে উপেক্ষা করেছে,
একটি দ্রুত গতিতে ধেয়ে আসা বুলেট৷

ভূস্বর্গ থেকে হাজার মাইল দূরে,
সেই মা তার ছেলেকে আর খাইয়ে দেয়না,
শৈশবের ছড়াও ব্যর্থতার প্রাচীর বেঁধেচ্ছে,
এলো চুলে উঠনে গড়াচ্ছে তার নারীত্বের পরিচয়,
কালবৈশাখীর আঁচে মিলে নোনা-দেওয়ালের আলপনা,
বুলেটবিদ্ধ মাতৃত্বের আগুনে পুরছে অজানা তারকাঁটা৷

The Man From Taured (Redemption)

Content Courtesy: Tarunava Saha
“Get Up its 8’o clock”
A female voice chattered again and again.
I hurried up and went for my daily essentials with my dream of dawn broken in clusters of the night sky. After a shower and breakfast I was out for my daily duty. The dream of dawn disappeared by then within the hustles of consciousness.
I,Haruto Tadaoki,the Officer in Charge of The Customs Department,Tokyo International Airport was on my way of routine works in the office. No! I don’t have any connection with the famous samurai of the late Sengoku period. Yet people sometimes do relate me to those historic stuffs but that doesn’t have anything to do with me.
The Tokyo Airport was crowded as usual with all everything as normal as water. Or anomalous as water ? There was a sudden rushes around the corners of the 2nd checkpoint and the officers over there looked utterly confused. I was informed of an identity confusion regarding a passenger which was again a normal issue for us.On reaching the spot I met him, Him???
A man as dressed as us,as smart as us with similar attire. Scratchy beard,a nose which was tired of excessive snuff and a weird tattoo on his wrist made him a weird personality. 
 An officer just rushed in as soon as I was visible to him. He handed me a Passport which looked quite different than I ever saw.On checking it, It stated that the passport is of Taured , the officer also produced me some currencies of Taured which he discovered from the man of the whole confusion.I kept them in pocket and took him for some investigations so that the confusion gets cleared quickly.
On the table lied all his documents which said he is a citizen of Taured, with all those currencies fallen in crests over the table marked the man’s innocence of being a fraud. I was carried away at times with feeling that May be! May be there is something wrong in this case. But those honest eyes never spoke of being fraud instead they spoke of substantial harassment. He went on saying,” Gentleman this has been my business route for the last 20 years...”
But how could I believe of a land I never heard of? Of a land with no identity?
The protagonist was held in a hotel and was said not to leave until we verify his identity and the identity documents proves to be worthy enough.  
It was 6pm Evening, pleasant breezes all over with overcast engulfing the entire hemisphere. After a tiring afternoon I just took out all the documents, the man produced. The smell of reality sometimes ruptures the walls of imagination, taking out something what we call “Dream”.Even I felt the same when my eyes got stuck to the date of signature on his passport.
It showed 12.06.3171. 
I quickly checked his other documents which usually stated dates between 3169-3171.I had a talk with the officers and all what we concluded is those honest eyes shed thorny treacherous motives. May be a terrorist.....
We were on our way for the hunt. An officer called the hotel authority and informed them the same so that the man gets no point of escape. We reached the hotel and rushed in to his room. The door was broken in a flash, but.... but for whom?? There was no one inside the room. “The man escaped”, shouted an officer. The whole city police was engaged in search of the man. The CCTV footages made things more complex. They failed to show any footage of the man getting out of the hotel or from his room. I was searching every nook and corner of his room and then, a piece of paper just stuck to my watch.